Thursday, May 19, 2011

More American serviceman's blood and time wasted

Americans have again lost a large, possibly unregainable, portion of their Constitutionally(were) guaranteed rights. American soldiers and patriots who have been killed or dared take up a rifle in defense of this country during times of conflict or just standing post from Valley Forge to Afghanistan have had their work, time ,blood and lives further diminished and perhaps wasted.
On May 16, 2011, the poisoned and corrupted U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Kentucky vs. King that "law enforcement organizations" have the ability and "freedom" to kick in the doors of private citizens, breaching a persons privacy and sanctity within their own homes without due process, probable cause or proper warrant. This means that all American citizens are now subject to no knock, no warrant or warning forced entry into their homes by any law enforcement agency, federal-state-county-city, for whatever reason can be made up.
This ruling has in fact completely nullified in form if not in fact the fourteenth amendment/section #1 , as well as the fifth amendment.
So American Citizen, John and Jane doe, you should be even more well prepared for that mind shattering sleep crashing explosion of your door caving in from unright and unwelcome forced entry. I believe all HONEST Americans,with this problematic and completely wrong ruling, be ready to deliver resounding and necessarily lethal response to this possibility of happening.
Your home should be without question yours and you families most safest and secure place of rest and solitude where there is a complete peace of mind and that dearest of freedoms, freedom from fear.
That's the way I see it from here at the Desk of the Ready Rifle. Lock and Load!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The key to change, Not the vote, the truck.

As this country continues on it's downward slide into oblivion, a couple of things become more and more obvious. First, nobody in this country, for the greater part, has any idea what the Constitution of the United States says. Second, nobody,again, for the greater part, has the courage to act upon what the Constitution says.
The Constitution calls for the people to rise up in revolt against the government when it gets out of control and outside the bounds it was set in. As best as I can see, with this country spent into the toilet and precious few people willing to try to get it back out, we are there.
The lethargy of the people at large seen in vivid detail at the ballot box shows the power of that very sacred of institutes nearly powerless coupled with the in general ignorance of people who would vote for skin color over anything else, brings the power of the vote to just about zero.
That puts the responsibility for real, stand up and listen, power of change onto real, bona fide, hard working Americans, that is, those folks who make America move, the trucker.
We move everything that is anything in these United States. If it's in your home, on your back, or in your belly, a trucker got it there. You just can't get your biscuits and gravy from a train yard, because even trains need trucks to move their freight.
It's time for a complete trucking shut down in the United States. Every truck in every state and city needs to be parked, shut down, and locked up. And the drivers need to stay out of them for eight days. Each and every trucking company owner and manager needs to encourage and support such an action because this would greatly benefit them as well as the drivers.
It can't start all at once, that way wouldn't work. It should start as a three part motion. First, the fuel men have to begin the thing. Once fuel stops moving ,everything else will follow. Second would be owner operators and grocery haulers, then everybody else. Complete shut down should take no longer that thirty-six to forty-eight hours.
By the end of the eighth day, when the food riots are going good, and panic is everywhere, then a representative of the truckers would meet the appropriate elected official to get some kind of sensible dialog going that would get the results that America needs. Low cost, plentiful fuel(which is readily available in the U.S.A.), and much lower corporate/business taxes to encourage economic growth and stability.
That's the way I see it from the desk of the ready rifle.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who am I?

This is for all of you folks that scoff at or chuckle at me for my opinions and thoughts. You may wonder who I am,anyway.
My name is Douglas. I am the illegitamate son of a widowed, handicapped woman. Born the forth of four kids and raised poor and tough and called everything but a free white American. My goal in life was to survive.
Life was not easy as living goes, but my mother did her best to raise me well, having never given thought to abortion or giving me away like a trash dog. I remember many a winter when eating good was having boiled cornmeal and fresh from the udder chilled cows milk. Heating the old house with coal I had to dig outta the snow to put in that really old pot belly stove cause there was too much snow for the oilman to get out a deliver our tank of fuel oil.
Clothes were handme downs when someone could be found to hand them down. Most of the time patched britches and old work boots was the dress of the day. Yes, I did get new clothes, but not often and they were only for school. No one to help me if I got caught playing outdoors with good clothes on.
Playing ment that after my home work was done and the chickens were fed and their coops cleaned, then it was of to the woods and the swamp way out back to catch the few brave snakes or frogs that dared let me see 'em. That, folks, was real fun and real exercise. No video games and the like. The first T.V. I got to watch regularly was on the childrens ward of the hospital where I spent seven good months healing after being burned on half my skinny body.
And bullies! Really!? I was taught never to start a fight, but to get into one I had best give as well as I got. Bullies needed attention, so I provided it. I hated the fighting thing, even later in the military, but when it was needed, it got serious quick. Today, this be kind to bullies thing is insane. You are just making more problems.
Yes, I have been around the block once or twice and run through the mill more than most and I feel I am far better for the thrill of the ride than most. Am I perfect or mistake proof or what have ya'. Heck no! I am no better than anybody else. If I do somehow gain Gods favor and He grants me entry to His heaven, I will be thankful to be give a little tiny spot at the farthest spot away from the Throne where all I can see is the most faintest glow of that throne.
So to you who condem me for my way of saying the way I see the world, or for not compromising my principles or my integrity,(you know exactly who you are), tough on you. I will not bend nor will I back down. That's what is wrong today. Too much backing down, compromising and tollerance. I just will not give in to the crap.

From the desk of the Ready Rifle