Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A death panel strikes...

Today's blog is about a judgement against me by a very real death panel just like the type outlined in Barak Obama's communist health care plan.
On December 27, 2009 I was taken to Baylor of Dallas emergency room with sever chest pain. I was hooked up to several machines, my blood was taken for cardiac testing and some five or six hours later I was released and referred to a cardiac specialist. The test and monitors in the e.r. showed inconclusive results, but the Dr. on duty couldn't rule anything out.
On the fifth of January I showed up at the Dr.'s office{Dr. Andrews} for a stress/echo test. Again, although in significant pain, no conclusive results were found. Fortunantly this Dr. didn't just say go home, there is nothing more that can be done.
Dr. Andrews ordered two tests that would ,without question, rule out the heart. Dr. Andrews said there is a chance there is an artery partially blocked in the back of the heart that the stress echo can't pick up. He further said that the pain could also be caused by a clot somewhere in the chest that was sending little clots to my lung(s). The two tests were a ct scan and an angeagram.
On the Friday before the tests, the dr.'s office called me a said that the insurance company(Aetna) had refused to cover the tests and cancelled them based on Aetnas outside vendor, Med-solutions, saying there was not enough evidence of heart problems to warrent these tests.
Further, I have been told by Aetna, that further e.r. visits for or connected to chest pain will not be covered.
I have been deemed unfit to receive medical care, and in fact a Dr.'s orders were countermanded by Aetnas outside vendor/ death panel.
I certainly hope this does not happen to you or your family.

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