Americans have again lost a large, possibly unregainable, portion of their Constitutionally(were) guaranteed rights. American soldiers and patriots who have been killed or dared take up a rifle in defense of this country during times of conflict or just standing post from Valley Forge to Afghanistan have had their work, time ,blood and lives further diminished and perhaps wasted.
On May 16, 2011, the poisoned and corrupted U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Kentucky vs. King that "law enforcement organizations" have the ability and "freedom" to kick in the doors of private citizens, breaching a persons privacy and sanctity within their own homes without due process, probable cause or proper warrant. This means that all American citizens are now subject to no knock, no warrant or warning forced entry into their homes by any law enforcement agency, federal-state-county-city, for whatever reason can be made up.
This ruling has in fact completely nullified in form if not in fact the fourteenth amendment/section #1 , as well as the fifth amendment.
So American Citizen, John and Jane doe, you should be even more well prepared for that mind shattering sleep crashing explosion of your door caving in from unright and unwelcome forced entry. I believe all HONEST Americans,with this problematic and completely wrong ruling, be ready to deliver resounding and necessarily lethal response to this possibility of happening.
Your home should be without question yours and you families most safest and secure place of rest and solitude where there is a complete peace of mind and that dearest of freedoms, freedom from fear.
That's the way I see it from here at the Desk of the Ready Rifle. Lock and Load!
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