Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another terrorist tries...

Hello folks! Well Christmas has come and gone and a grand one it was! Better yet, I am a new granddad!
To the topic at hand. You have all seen the headlines. A scumbag muslim fanatic has tried to kill even more innocent Americans and others aboard an aircraft. Stopped only by very bad crafting and God's providence for the lives of those aboard. That is the real, living God, not the fiend of a god that twisted mind follows.
And still, the best Obama can do is issue empty threats of even more security and more "watchfulness" for threats. That is after he interrupted his taxpayer paid for vacation. He was more concerned for a buddies hurt kid, proven by his mobilizing the Obama armada and chasing the ambulance. Surly must have brought back memories of his attorney days in Chicago!
What about taking some rock hard action against those who helped that terror peddler get on the aircraft and making it count! We know where these diseased rats are holed up. lets get to some rat killin'!
But alas, the "man" you elected still has no spine to deal harshly with evil. He only does things that continue to make it harder and harder for you and I to be freedom and liberty loving Americans.
Till next time, stand ready!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Treason,who's guilty?

I submit the following for your perusal.
Treason; 1. betrayal of trust or faith; treachery. 2. violation of the allegiance owed to one's sovereign or state; betrayal of ones country. Definition courtesy of Mr. Webster, my thanks.
I told you that I would revisit this subject , and today is the day. I tell you that as this year closes and a new one begins to dawn that treasonous acts have been commited against this country and the good, honest people who live here by the very ones elected,
(misguidedly so), to lead this country.
Treason means that this country and the safety and security of it has been jepordized. To know that this is true, one only needs to watch the acts and actions of the President, Speaker of the house, and majority leader of the senate.
This country is in dreadful shape. Ten percent unemployment, outrageous fuel and food costs. Elected officials hell bent to take away your liberties and freedoms "for your own good". "Bailout money in the billions of dollars that should never be handed out. People being promised free money when they should be working. I tell you the truth. Barak Obama and his puppets in congress have done all the can and are doing more to further destabilize our country and it's economy.
The biggest of these destabilizing acts is Barak Obama's and the congress' complete refusal to allow this countries massive reserves to be drilled and processed and brought to bear.
The solution to this countries sorrows is to open the oil and gas fields to production immediately. Many ecconomist's that I have had opprotunity to listen to seem to agree that this one act would be able to break the recession and bring down unemployment inside of one year, and bring this country back to a position of respect and self-reliance. As well, we as a country could then explore and develope those good and positive renewable resources we seek.
But, until the complete Obama administration is unseated and removed, and real, compassionate, freedom loving officials be elected, we as a country are condemned to wallow in our own filth.
Yes, treason has been commited by the Obama administration and it is time to be done with him and his like-minded buffoons in congress and seek those people who desire to prosper this country before too much more damage is done.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

socio-communisum starts...

Well here we go a communisum. As I write this days blog , little nikitta cruschev obama is set to sign the obama care package into law and set the stage for what I hope will be a serious and decissive court battle to reverse this completely wrong legislation. Also,I Hope,will follow his impeachment and removal to prison for treasonous acts against this country. I will discuss that in an upcoming blog. Until then, get ready to lose your hard fought for, and blood spilt in defense of , freedoms and liberty.

Friday, December 18, 2009

This countries "leadership"...

As we prepare to enter a new year, your "president" is still trying to shove a load of crap communist health care bill down your throat. And it looks for all intents and purposes like you people are willingly holding open your mouths to let it happen!
What is wrong with you! As a former soldier who stood guard against this kind of evil from spreading, I am sick to my gut that it is being allowed to get a foothold here in these United States! We don't need this mess Obama says is needed because everybody doesn't have healthcare.
This is a lie straight out of Obama's screwed up mind! Healthcare is available to EVERY American citizen in the United States. A person who is ill needs only go to their local emergency room and they will be cared for. Thats why I pay my taxes, and you know what? the system works and works well.
Barack Obama seems to think that we honest and decent hard working citizens must pay for every one, citizen and not, to have butt jobs, boob jobs, and more facelifts than Nancy Pulozy.
The man is wrong and needs to be gotten rid of before it is too late.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Time to start speaking out...

My name is Douglas, and today starts the worldwide voice of The Ready Rifle. For far too long few decent people have spoken up about and against the huge piles of stinking crap you people are allowing to overcome this country. Now I will be giving legs to my thoughts on these things. So stay tuned for more.

